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Yii Caching main layout file with beginCache/endCache

In Yii i've the main layout and the $content having changing so i do not need to cache it. My idea is to cache main layout file (parts that wrap up $content, coming from view files):

 $id= 'something';
 if($this->beginCache($id, array('duration'=>3600, 'variations' =>array(Yii::$app->language)))) {  ?>

 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <?php $this->endCache(); } // end of the upper cache piece ?>

     <?php echo $content; ?>

 <?php if($this->beginCache($id, array('duration'=>3600))) { // new cashe piece ?>              
 <?php $this->endCache(); } ?>



            //  'connectionID'=>'db',
            //  'autoCreateCacheTable'=>false,
            //  'cacheTableName'=>'cache',

I've put cache filters() into the main controller:


class Controller extends CController
   public function filters()
    return array(
        'accessControl', // perform access control for CRUD operations
        'postOnly + delete', // we only allow deletion via POST request

I'm not sure if i do it right way. My concern also is about $id - what kind it should be? After some testing i found not a big performance increase... Would you comment/correct me?

Your Configuration file seems to be wrong. You have enabled 2 Cachings? CFileCache and CMemCache?

Look at the reference: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/1.1/en/caching.overview

The correct configuration should be:

'cache'=>array( 'class'=>'system.caching.CFileCache', ),

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