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Adding new attribute and using it in a rails form

I've added a new column to my Supplier model of 'source' and 'source_other'. The form I've set up for new suppliers, however, isn't correctly taking this attribute and adding it to the model

The migration looks like:

class AddNewColumnToOwner < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
     add_column :owners, :source, :string
     add_column :owners, :source_other, :string

And I know the migration has worked because I can see in my rails console that owners do have source and source_other listed as attributes.

Then, I've added it to the new owner form views/owners/new.html.haml:

.field{style: 'padding-bottom:0px;' }
        = f.input :source, as: :select, collection: HOW_HEAR, label: 'How did you hear about us?', allow_blank: false
        = f.input :source_other, input_html: { class: 'text_field' }, label: 'If other please let us know where you heard about us'

However, when I fill out the form to add a new owner and select one of the source options, it's not storing this in the table. I know this because when I check Owner.last in my rails console, I can see that source is 'nil', even though I selected an option for source in the form dropdown options.

I must be missing something but I'm not sure where I'm going wrong...?


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