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How to get full remote path in Powershell?

Let's say I have a virtual R: drive that actually goes to \\\\filesrver\\share .

How can I get the full remote path of a file, expanding net shares?

( R:\\Scripts\\s.ps1 --> \\\\fileserver\\share\\Scripts\\s.ps1 )

try this:

get-item R:\Scripts\s.ps1 | 
              select  @{n="path";e={ "$( get-psdrive $($_.psdrive) | 
                  select -expa displayroot)$(split-path $_ -noqualifier)" }}

My solution, also works for local paths (it doesn't change them of course):

function Get-FullRemotePath($path) {
    # Attempts to expand net shares
    if (!(Test-Path $path)) { return $path }

    $fileObj = Get-Item $path
    $remotePath = (Get-PsDrive $fileObj.PSDrive).DisplayRoot
    if ($remotePath) {
        $path = $remotePath+(split-path $fileobj -noqualifier)
    return $path

Not a one liner though.

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