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How to change default view for controller in Yii2?

I was wondering can I change default view folder for a controller in Yii2?

If we can change layout just by using public $layout , how we can do it with view?

Class HomeController extends \yii\web\Controller
    public $layout = 'mylayout';
    public $view = 'newview';

    public function actionIndex()
        return $this->render('index');

To achieve that your controller should implement ViewContextInterface .

use yii\base\ViewContextInterface;
use yii\web\Controller;

class HomeController extends Controller implements ViewContextInterface

Then just add getViewPath() method which should return the desired directory path:

public function getViewPath()
    return Yii::getAlias('@frontend/views/newview');

You can use aliases here.

Also check the official documentation about organizing views.

从 2.0.7 开始,您可以简单地在控制器的 init() 方法中编写: $this->viewPath = '@app/yourViewPath'

I'm on Yii, And added this in my controller.

public function init()
     $this->viewPath = '@app/modules/report/views/test';


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