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Labels on d3.js time series chart

I've been working on a d3.js time series line chart.

I am using d3.nest and then looping through the nested groups to create each line.

The complete code Here

What I would like to do is have each line's label (the country name) show up on the y-axis at the position of the last observation (given by credit ). To find this position I use:

dataNest.forEach(function(d) {
    var position = d.values[6].credit;
    console.log("Selected Value", position);

Then later pass position to .attr("y", y(position)) when I append the text.

The issue I'm having is that the position returned from d.values[6].credit is correct as logged in the console. But I get an

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'credit' of undefined

error. This leads to the axes not being plotted.

(Eventually I want the labels to appear on mouseover , but that is for another day).

Slovak Republic only has 2 data points:

Slovak Republic,SK,Jan 2007,100
Slovak Republic,SK,Jan 2008,105.2

Instead of the hard-coded 6, just use:

var position = d.values[d.values.length-1].credit;

Example here .

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