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jQuery Alert Dialog — Confirm and Cancel

I wish to add an alert that pops up upon the selection of the button with id deSelectAll, with the option to confirm, following though on the action, or cancel and return to the page with nothing changing. At present I have the following code.

$("#deSelectAll").click ->
    alert "Are you sure you want to remove all"
    root.table.$("tr").removeClass "selected"

But all that displays the following result:


I wish to also have the ability to either confirm or cancel the request. How can this be implemented?

UPDATE : I have added the confirm button, but it does not call the alert at all

# Deselecting all 
  $("#deSelectAll").click ->

  confirmRemovalFunct = ->
    confirm("Are you sure you want to remove all locations from campaign")      

    #alert "Are you sure you want to remove all locations from campaign"
    root.table.$("tr").removeClass "selected"

    allLocations = root.table.rows().data() # Then defaults to shows all the locations that are availale

    $('#multi_markers').map ->
      handler = Gmaps.build("Google")
          id: "multi_markers"
      , ->
        for aLocation in allLocations
          markers = handler.addMarkers([
              lat: aLocation[9]
              lng: aLocation[10]
        handler.bounds.extendWith markers

I guess you are looking for the window.confirm function. It let you choose between ok and cancel (in most browsers) and returns true or false.


You can use it like that

if(!confirm("Do you want to continue?")) return;

It will exit out of the function if you press cancel.

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