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Infinite scroll jquery plugin didn't work

I am trying to add infinite scrolling to codeigniter's pagination with the Infinite scroll jquery plugin . But with no success

Here is my controller:

$config['base_url'] = site_url('news/home/');
$config['total_rows'] = $this->home_model->count_new();
$config['per_page'] = 3;
$config['uri_segment'] = 3;
$config['limit'] = $config['per_page'];
$data['news'] = $this->home_model->list_data_new($config['per_page'], $this->uri->segment($config['uri_segment']));

Here is my view :

<div id="content">
<?php foreach ($news as $data):?>
    <?php echo $data['title']?>
    Post by: <?php echo $data['username']?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<button id="next">load more</button>

And here is the javascript also in view:

     navSelector  : "#next:last",            
     // selector for the paged navigation (it will be hidden)
     nextSelector : "#next:last",    
     // selector for the NEXT link (to page 2)
     itemSelector : "#content"          
     // selector for all items you'll retrieve

The pagination link will look like this http://localhost/latihan/news/home/3 then click next will be like this http://localhost/latihan/news/home/6

The problem is the next post doesn't showing up and load more button is not loading data.

Any answer?

Many thanks...

Your setup is wrong.

I advise you have a look at the source code of the page http://www.infinite-scroll.com itself, because they are using their own plugin. Scroll down on the page to see it working.

Other than that I have to say that their product is extremely badly documented and works in quite unintuitive ways. For example, it will read the URL for the next page from nextSelector , but only when that element is a hyperlink <a ...> and only the first time. It will then parse that URL for occurrences of the number "2", load, and replace the number with 3 and so on. So your intended design with page 2 being home/3 and page 3 being home/6 will not work with this plugin.

Do yourself a favor and use jScroll instead.

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