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How to set up Plover so Stenography can be broadcast on a LAN in real-time?

A friend of ours is running the Plover software for her closed caption and other reporting work. She is trying to find a way to have this post in real time on a local server for others (Hard of Hearing) to watch in real time (but not allow them to edit) from their tablets or laptops on a LAN.

This would be similar to what Stack Overflow does when editing (but over a LAN rather than on the same machine). I type in an edit box, and it prints below in real time. How is this being done? Is there a place to find this code?

I can help her get the WiFi or Blue-tooth to connect to their systems, I just don't know how to get it to push to them. The reporting machine will be running Ubuntu. If I need to install Apache, PHP for her that's fine and just guide them to a URL.

It sounds like the Plover software works at a (keyboard) device driver level, and so can be used to enter steno-to-text in any desktop application. Thus I would arrange things this way:

Put Apache on your reporting server, and set up a web application on there which shows a text box. You can use sockets (ideally) or AJAX (as a fallback) to transport your text from a browser to the server. This can then be sent out to any number of clients on a different page, probably via a database as an intermediate store. AJAX requires frequent polls and so is inefficient and slow, but on a LAN with a small number of users it would still be OK. Sockets are better but need a library to implement - take a look here at a PHP example .

Take a look at this answer to understand the different ways a browser and server can communicate (especially the section on HTML5 Websockets ). Pusher is mentioned - that makes it really easy, but if you are broadcasting on a LAN it seems pointless to need the internet. I'd do it myself, for what it's worth.

If you want to stick with AJAX, jQuery, MooTools or Prototype is fine. If you want to use sockets there are several libraries that will use sockets first, and then fall back to a variety of technologies (long polling) and then finally AJAX. This will depend mostly on browser support for these various things.

I believe web sockets need a server component for which Apache is generally considered unsuitable. The first link I gave, for the Ratchet library, looks like it has its own listener component. Perhaps a good first step would be to work through the demos, so you can understand the technology and customise it for your needs?

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