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Does the use of Sitecore MaxMind require Sitecore DMS

My customer has Sitecore.NET 6.6.0 (rev. 130214), and we are looking at doing IP address geolocation for some components. I have used the Sitecore MaxMind option in the past and it made things very easy. In this case though the customer does not have a Sitecore DMS license. Can this customer without a Sitecore DMS license use the Sitecore MaxMind service normally?

The Max Mind implementation in Sitecore exposes a MaxMindProvider for the GeoIp lookup manager. That manager is used by DMS rules, so the short answer is they need DMS to use it .

The provider is added in the Sitecore.Analytics.config which is a part of DMS:

<lookupManager defaultProvider="default">
    <add name="default" type="Sitecore.Analytics.Lookups.MaxMindProvider,Sitecore.Analytics"/>

The provider uses a raw web service that returns comma-delimted GeoIP data. The URL is:


Where {0} is the IP to look up and {1} is your Sitecore license ID + a MaxMind account token at the end (defaulted to 00000000 ). I believe this won't work either because your Sitecore license ID does not have DMS added. You may want to have Sitecore support confirm that.

You have to have Analytics running to get GeoIP data, which is then used in the rules engine.

MaxMind provides a free database of their GeoIP data that will cover 98% of your users. I highly recommend rolling your own solution for geo-specific features using this DB. Then you aren't hampered by any licensing issues, Analytics/DMS requirement, the need to call an external site, or MaxMind's built-in limitations for their Sitecore users.

I think it might be worthwhile to have a conversation with the customer's sales rep about it.

I don't believe DMS is a separately licensed component any longer, so the restriction may not still be in place.

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