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How to register an event “feature click” only for single click in openlayer?

map.events.register("featureclick", map, function(e){


I want to trigger this event only for single click not for double click.

Is it possible in openlayer? How can I accomplish this?

You could try something like the code below,

map.on('click', function(evt){

    var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel,
        function(feature, layer) {

            //yourCode ;



When you click the map the code above will pass each feature its associated layer to the area marked //yourcode. You can then use an if statement against the layer variable if you only want this to work on features from a certian layer.

According to the openlayers API if we use click event listeners on map, it will call twice for double click on map. For reference see click event.

So I suggest to use singleclick event, it will not trigger twice when we double click on the map. For reference see singleclick event.

map.on('singleclick', function(evt) {
        function(feature, layer) {
        //yourCode ;

Note that this event is delayed by 250 ms to ensure that it is not a double click.

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