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How do i get my keycode to focus the element?

If i leave it without a keycode it will work with every key but i'm trying to add the "/" key which is keycode "191" and now i can't get it to work. I've even tried using the preventDefault after it and still nothing. How do i properly write it to make it work? Yes i also have the keypress in my input line as well, it's not the problem.

 function setFocusToTextBox(field, event) {
if (event.keyCode === 191) {


<body onLoad="document.chip_insert.chip_number.focus();">

<h1>Jeffers HomeAgain Microchip Entry</h1>

<form name="chip_insert"  id="chip_insert" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>" onsubmit="return validateForm()" method="post" onkeydown="setFocusToTextBox(field, event)">
Order Number: <input tabindex="1" maxlength="12" type="text" name="order_number"  id="order_number"  value="<?php echo $value; ?>"  required="required"onkeydown="return tabOnEnter(this,event)" onfocus="this.focus();this.select()" /><br /><br />
Tag Number: <input tabindex="2" maxlength="15" type="text" name="chip_number" id="chip_number" required="required" /><br /><br />
<input tabindex="7" type="submit" />

<br />

<!--End body content -->


The working of your snippet is also depends on the event you call from , try to call your function on keydown.

Below is your working code :

document.body.addEventListener("keydown",function(e) { 

if (e.keyCode === 191)





keyCode may vary for different key events.

Try this

 window.addEventListener('keydown', keydownCallback); function keydownCallback(event) { if (event.keyCode === 191) { setTimeout(setFocusToTextBox); // setTimeout prevents insertion of slash } } function setFocusToTextBox() { document.getElementById("order_number").focus(); } 
 <input id="order_number" placeholder="Press / and I will be focused" size="60"> 

  1. Press Run Code Snippet
  2. Click somewhere on the area around the input
  3. Press / and the input will be focused.

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