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Angular karma testing directive Error: Unexpected request: GET

I am setting up a unit test for angular directive with karma and I'm stuck with configuring the ngHtml2JsPreprocessor preprocessor. I have tried a bunch of different ways as described in various thread at Stack Owerflow of setting up the tests but am struggeling in finding a way that works for me.


    files: [

    preprocessors: {
        //'app/views/**/**/*.html': ['ng-html2js']
        'app/views/**/*.html': ['ng-html2js']

    ngHtml2JsPreprocessor: {
        // strip this from the file path
        stripPrefix: 'app/',
        moduleName: 'PreprocessedTemplates'

Test file

beforeEach(inject(function ($compile, $rootScope, $templateCache, $httpBackend) {
        scope = $rootScope;
        //$templateCache.put('/app/views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html', $templateCache.get('/app/views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html'));
        //$templateCache.put('../../../views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html', $templateCache.get('../../../views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html'));

        ele = angular.element(
            '<konstrukt-std-filterbox title="Testing generic filter Component" items="list" source="data" filter-entity="Dim1"></konstrukt-std-filterbox>'

        mockupDataFactory = konstruktMockupData.getInstance();

        //these variables are needed.
        scope.data = mockupDataFactory.pivotedData;
        scope.list = ["first","second"];



It fails in before each with the message.

Error: Unexpected request: GET ../../../views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html

The path to the template is


I understand that the test cannot find the template in the templatecache, but how can I configure karma to have the PreprocessedTemplates load my template? I have tried different configs in my karma.conf.js, see commented out lines above.

It turned out that I had a path defined in my directive which was very hard to find, hence the error

Error: Unexpected request: GET ../../../views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html

angular.module('app').directive('directive', function(utilities) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E', //element
        templateUrl: '../../../views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html',
        scope:  true,
        replace: true,


And when I changed the templateUrl to this the test ran fine!

templateUrl: 'views/components/KonstruktStdFilterbox/KonstruktStdFilterbox.html

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