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PHP MySQLi Pagination LIMIT issue

I am currently working on a pagination script for displaying records capped at 20 per page.

I have found a similar question on Stack Overflow, which had an example of how one would perform this. I've tried the code and made adjustments too, but I can't get it to function properly.

The code is:

$pages = ceil($rescnt['cnt']/$limit);

    $page = min($pages, filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array(
    'options' => array(
        'default'   => 1,
        'min_range' => 1,
    $offset = ($page - 1)  * $limit;
    $start = $offset;
    $end = min(($offset + $limit), $rescnt['cnt']);

There are 41 records in the MySQL database (0 - 40).

The first page displays correctly, with a LIMIT 0,20 . However, the second page's limit is LIMIT 20,40 which actually returns 21 results.

The scripts calculates that there should be 3 pages in total (20 on P1, 20 on P2 & 1 on P3) however, P1 has 20 & P2 has 21. P3 is empty.

I have tried altering the calculation of the pages etc. but it still won't work. Could anyone please give me a little insight into this issue?

Thanks in advance.

FROM 21 to 40, rather than 20.

The LIMIT clauses are inclusive. It is from Record 20, count 20.

LIMIT 20,20 = 20,21,22,...37,38,39.


You will see LIMIT 0,20 shows 20 rows, but they start at zero. Rather like an array key, this perpetuates through the iterations.


You're updating the wrong columns.

First 20 results = LIMIT 0,20

next 20 results = LIMIT 19,20
final 20 results = LIMIT 39,20

LIMIT <start row>, <row count>

20 to 40 is 21 records. You have off by one bug. You should start off the next page with previous page last record plus 1. ie 21,40

Like 1 to 2 ie 1,2 is two records.

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