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how to fix a menu on scroll down

Im modifiying a menu on my website here moroccoside.com and im trying to fix the menu once it reaches it with jquery

im using this jquery code on the header but it doesn't function

   var stickyOffset = $('.header-wrapper').offset().top;

   var sticky = $('.header-wrapper'),
   scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

   if (scroll >= stickyOffset) sticky.addClass('fixed');
   else sticky.removeClass('fixed');

here is the fixed css class

   .fixed {position:fixed; z-index: 9999;}

notice: i put the script in the header not from external js file

any help will be so appretiated

You forgot to wrapped in document.ready function. Try this:

  var stickyOffset = $('.header-wrapper').offset().top;

     var sticky = $('.header-wrapper'),
     scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

     if (scroll >= stickyOffset) sticky.addClass('fixed');
     else sticky.removeClass('fixed');

You need to be sure the DOM has loaded before this runs. Try this:

  var stickyOffset = $('.header-wrapper').offset().top;

   var sticky = $('.header-wrapper'),
   scroll = $(window).scrollTop();

   if (scroll >= stickyOffset) sticky.addClass('fixed');
   else sticky.removeClass('fixed');

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