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How to display users reputation

I want to make a reputation like badges in my project that called senior writer and junior writer . User reputation based on the total number like that obtained.

I have 3 table:

Table post:

    id_post | news      | id_user
    3       | IT news   | 1 
    4       | game news | 2

Table user:

id_user | username
   1    | dora
   2    | boots
   3    | swipper

Table vote:

id_vote | id_post | id_user | LIKE
10      | 3       | 2       | 1
11      | 3       | 1       | 1
12      | 4       | 3       | 1

And this is my query:

SELECT p.*, SUM(like) AS like_post, 
(SELECT SUM(like) //this is subquery start
FROM user u 
LEFT JOIN post p ON p.id_user= u.id_user 
LEFT JOIN vote v ON  v.id_post=p.id_post GROUP BY u.id) AS reputation // end subquery 
FROM post p 
LEFT join user u ON p.id_user=u.id_user 
LEFT JOIN vote v ON p.id_post=v.id_post 
GROUP BY p.id_post 
ORDER BY p.id_post DESC

This is my view:

    <?php foreach $news as $data:?>
    <?php echo $data['id_post'];?>
    <?php echo $data['title'];?>
    LIKE: <?php echo $data['like_post']; ?>
    post by <?php echo $data['username'];?>
    reputation: <?php if ($data['reputation']==1)
    {echo "JUNIOR writer";} 
    {echo "SENIOR Writer"; }
    <?php endforeach;?>

My expectation user Dora will get reputation called senior writer because receive 2 LIKE. And boots will get reputation called junior writer because only receive 1 LIKE.

The problem is the return query is an error like this: Subquery returns more than 1 row

Any answer?

Many thanks...

Use this query.

SELECT u.id_user, u.username, SUM(v.like) AS reputation
FROM user u 
LEFT JOIN post p ON u.id_user=p.id_user 
LEFT JOIN vote v ON v.id_post=p.id_post 
GROUP BY u.id_user

Use this php code.

LIKE: <?php echo $data['reputation']; ?>
    post by <?php echo $data['username'];?>
    reputation: <?php if ($data['reputation']==1)
    {echo "JUNIOR writer";} 
    {echo "SENIOR Writer"; }
    <?php endforeach;?>


Query for like_post

SELECT v.id_user,v.id_post,SUM(v.like1) AS like_post
FROM vote v  
LEFT JOIN USER u ON v.id_user=u.id_user 
GROUP BY u.id_user

Query for reputation

SELECT u.id_user, u.username, SUM(v.like1) AS reputation
LEFT JOIN post n ON u.id_user=n.id_user 
LEFT JOIN vote v ON v.id_post=n.id_post 
GROUP BY u.id_user

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