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Delete lines in CSV file with a column condition in bash

I have a big CSV file (5Go). The header is:

run number,export,downerQ,coefUpQuality,chooseMode,demandF,nbPLots,standarDevPop,nbCitys,whatWord,priceMaxWineF,marketColor,[step],giniIndexReserve,giniIndexPatch,meanQualityTotal,meanQualityMountain,meanQualityPlain,DiffExtCentral,nbcentralPlots,meanPatchByNetwork,sum_q_viti_moutain,sum_q_viti_plaine

I would like keep only rows that contain "500" in the field [step] (the thirteenth field).

  • I have tried to import this CSV in sqlite ... but deleting crash ...
  • R also crash (even with fread from data.table)

Does someone have a solution with tools like sed , awk or any other command?

awk seems the way to go:

awk -F, 'NR == 1 || $13 == "\"500\""' filename

Where NR == 1 is to preserve the first line (the header), and after that it's only lines of which the 13th field is "500" .

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