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How to set time out for http client request operation in windows phone 8.1/Windows 8.1

How to set Timeout property to Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient operation. The code sample I used is below.

public HttpClient httpClient;
public CancellationTokenSource cts;

public void SendRequest(addressUri,postrequestbody)
    HttpHelper.CreateHttpClient(ref httpClient);
    cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
    HttpRequestMessage msg = 
        new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("POST"), 
                               new Uri(addressUri));
    msg.Content = new HttpStringContent(postrequestbody);
    msg.Content.Headers.ContentType = 
        new HttpMediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
    HttpResponseMessage response = 
        await httpClient.SendRequestAsync(msg).AsTask();

    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Ok)

Use a CancellationToken :

    CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource(2000); // 2 seconds
    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
    HttpResponseMessage response = await
catch (TaskCanceledException ex)
    // Catch operation aborted ...

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