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how can i do this indefinitely? - by that I DO NOT mean an infinite while loop

I have a question with regards to a project I am working on - I am currently setting up a job application form and I want people to provide info like previous education, past work experience, and references, - so i got a section for education - where the form asks the user for the type of institution he/she attended, followed by the address, and the years (from:/to:), and whether they had graduated from that institution of learning or not - after the info is filled up for a particular institution, there is a "+" button that allows the potential employee to add more institutions - I got a picture attached in the following link: http://i59.tinypic.com/2418phg.png[/IMG]

once I click the "+" button, I get another input form drop down - but the problem is that it is the ONLY one I can add - I can't add any more after that and I would like to have the ability to do this infinitely!

You can see what I mean in the second image that I'm posting below - http://i59.tinypic.com/vhqpv9.png

Here's the code for the "+" button that I want to press to infinitely add as many institutions as possible to the question on education -

<button type="submit" id="Add" name="Add"  value="Add"/>+</button>
<?php while((isset($_POST["Add"]) && $_POST["Add"] == "Add")){
echo "<br>";
echo "Address: <input size='20' type='text' id='instaddress' name='instaddress' maxlength='20' size='20'> From:<input type='text' id='instaddress' name='instaddress' size='4' > To: <input type='text' id='instaddress' name='instaddress' size='4'>
Did You Graduate?:  <input type='radio' id='graduate' name='graduate' value='yes'> Yes
<input type='radio' id='graduate' name='graduate' value='no'> No<button type='submit' id='Add' name='Add' value='Add'/>+</button><button type='submit' id='Minus' name='Minus'  value='Minus'/>-</button><br>


I also included a file ("education.php") in the php code above and the code for that is displayed below:

    <select name="institution" id="institution" onchange="showUser(this.value)">
<option <?php if(isset($_POST['institution'])) { echo $_POST['institution']; } ?>>Select Institution</option>

$sql1a = "SELECT * FROM institution ORDER BY institution asc";
$smt1a = $dbs->prepare($sql1a);
$smt1a -> execute();
echo("<option selected value=$row1a[institution]>$row1a[institution]</option>");
echo("<option value=$row1a[institution]>$row1a[institution]</option>");




After the first time I press "+", I am not able to get a third or fourth or greater number of input form for the previous institutions that the job applicant has attended...

how can this matter be resolved so that I can include as many institutions as possible everytime that I press the "+" button?

what code am I missing?

please lemme know!

thnx a million!

As the commenters already said: You should provide a js script that copies the entire row. When you work with name="value[]" syntax then these values will be merged together into an array automatically. This way you can handle lots of form data as an array inside your evaluating php script.

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