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Git Bash won't let me type anything, just shows a blinking cursor

I'm not able to type any characters at the Git-Bash command line; all it shows is a blinking cursor. Git Bash was working fine yesterday, but I'm not able to do anything on it now. What can I do to fix this?

I found the answer to a problem with similar symptoms. I'll include it here for someone who finds this page looking for an answer, as I did.

In my case, the cursor didn't move, or show my typing onscreen.
However, it actually executed the command (if I pressed Enter ), even though it looked like I didn't type anything in!

The solution was to type reset < Enter >

Turns out it can be an issue for any shell program (cmd, git bash, etc), not necessarily just a Git Bash issue.
It looks like Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z can occasionally result in the terminal not echoing commands to the screen, depending on what process was running at the time it was killed.

reset restores it.

I found the solution, and the explanation why, at https://askubuntu.com/a/172747/636571

I have a similar problem, I can type commands and it will execute them, but I cannot see what I type. And the solution that works for me is to type q < Enter > and it back to normal.

I know this is may be late, but in case someone do like what happens with me. because closing visualize window solved cursor blink.

What happened?

I wrote a command -gitk which is used to visualize Git ( Great feature )

Then I tried to use git bash after while,I found only this blinking cursor. I tried many times to reset or even close it; however closing it caused an error so I got afraid of losing my work.

I closed the gitk visualize window and then Git bash restored as usual.

Link to gitk https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-A%3A-Git-in-Other-Environments-Graphical-Interfaces

在命令提示符窗口中使用CTRL + c终止服务器。

reset (enter) 是光标不闪烁的解决方案。

This worked for me

press:q enter or Close the git bash window and reopen it!

Right click on the mouse will show you the short cut. In my case working with git-bash

ctrl + insert to copy

and shift + insert to paste

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