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iOS GMaps delegate mapView: markerInfoWindow: not implemented

I am trying to create custom Info Window for marker. I am using Google Maps SDK for iOS.

I have created custom XIB file with all objects. Created class for it.

Called GMSMapViewDelegate in Header file

in implementation file I implemented following method:

- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {

    NSLog(@"Implementing delegate Method");

    CustomInfoWindow *infoWindow =  [[[NSBundle mainBundle]

    infoWindow.title.text = @"This is title";
    infoWindow.address.text = @"This is address";
    infoWindow.status.text = @"Here will be status";

    return infoWindow;

But there is still default marker. What could be the issue?

Thanks for help.

Try if not add GMSMapView Delegate

You add GMSMapView Delegate in in implementation file

 GMSMapView * mapView_ = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:viewmapbaseView.bounds camera:camera]; mapView_.delegate=self; 

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