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Creating controls dynamically using xaml

I have a list of objects in my application using which I want to create Wrappanels dynamically. One way is to write control adding in code behind as below.

WrapPanel RuleInternalCond = new WrapPanel();

// Create operator combo box and fill all operators
ComboBox operatorCb = new ComboBox();


But is there a better way to create a template of the wrap panel, bind it to my properties and use my collection in xaml to create list of wrap panel templates automatically?

To explain in detail. I want to create an wrap panel with controls in xaml which bind to properties. But the problem comes if I want a list of these wrap panels to be created dynamically depending on my collection. For eg my collect is

List = new List where MyRules is

String Name; String Condition;

I want the List Item to be in WrapPanel with TextBox of Name and Condition

just a code sample for using an ItemsControl. I am assuming you use an object that has those 2 properties and you need to use an ObservableCollection like @XAMIMAX wrote in the comment ( ObservableCollection<MyObject> MyList ).

           <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyList}">
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Condition}"/>

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