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Angular JS & CSRF with RESTFull API Laravel

Can't understand how to make it work... I am trying to get the CSRF from the API and load it as a constant in my angularJS app. Here is the code I used from @David Mosher https://gist.github.com/davemo/6141699 I start the app.js by doing that:

    // Retrieve and inject the CSRF token from the server
(function() {
  var $injector = angular.injector(['ng']); $injector.invoke(function($http,$rootScope) {
    $rootScope.$apply(function() {
        angular.module("app").constant("CSRF_TOKEN", response.data);
        angular.bootstrap(document, ['app']);

When I check it returns a 200 with the csrf_token. However the CSRF_TOKEN is set nowhere in the app... the console.log(CSRF_TOKEN) return ReferenceError: CSRF_TOKEN is not defined....

Any idea what I am doing wrong??

Thank you so much! :-)

I use angular in my laravel project too. Here is what I do, and it works for me:

for starting angular I use this (I need this [[ for no conflict with blade {{ syntax.):

var laravelApp = angular.module('laravelApp', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ngResource'], function($interpolateProvider) {

In my index.blade.php I define the csrf token as a constant:

        angular.module("laravelApp").constant("CSRF_TOKEN", '{{ csrf_token() }}');

And in my Controller I use this CSRF_TOKEN constant in angular as well:

laravelApp.controller('startCtrl', function($scope, $http, CSRF_TOKEN, $window) {

    // init
    $scope.init = function () {
        $scope.template_choose = 'start';
        $scope.loadTemplateURL = '/template/load';

    // POST Request with csrf_token
    $scope.loadActualTemplate = function() {
        $http.post($scope.loadTemplateURL, {
            '_token' : CSRF_TOKEN
        }).then(function(Response) {
            $scope.template_choose = '/template/choose/'+Response.data;

    // start

Define your CSRF_TOKEN in your blade template. Deliver it in your controller. Use it as a Post Parameter in your $http.post. And this works :)


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