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Migration of Drupal website from live server to local server shows broken links

I am new to drupal.I have to work on Live website with drupal 7. This website is working fine. I downloaded the website on my localhost.Home page of the website works fine.But when I click on any link in menu it shows me page not found.When I checked the url it is showing me like this:


But when I check my project page and category folders arenot present.Also when I searched on live website these folder are not there also. But on live server it works fine.Url on live server is like this:


But Page and category folders are not there. I am a new to drupal. Any help to resolve this url generation issue will be appreciated.

After checking for possible misconfogurations as outlined by jpschroeder's you could try using the Backup and Migrate module.

Use the default settings and the cache tables will not be saved in your backup. You don't need them, as they will be re-created on the new server as pages are served for the first time there.

There's a good tutorial on this at http://www.seascapewebdesign.com/blog/how-transfer-your-website-one-server-another

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