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MVC5 Routing with two parameters in an Area

I have an area called News, and within that area I have a Post Controller. The post controller has the following action:

public ActionResult Index(int id, string name)

I have a route in the NewsAreaRegistration

        new { action = "Index", controller = "Post",name = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { id = @"\d+"}

I have also tried without the name object attribute, with and without the id @"\\d+ .. Thing is I have this on another site with the exact same setup, just so confused at why it's not working as expected.

Now firstly, the action will resolve:


When I want it to resolve to


And then I also want this string parameter at the end so it should resolve to


but instead resolves to


I am having a total nightmare with this routing stuff. I have tried to mess around with the Routing attributes but also have no luck there with areas... Any ideas guys?

So I fixed part of the issue by making the Route look like this:

  context.MapRoute( "News", "News/Post/{id}/{name}", new { action = "Index", controller = "Post" }, new { id = @"\\d+" } ); 

So I removed the UrlParamter.Optional for the name argument. I need to really get my head around how some of these routes work. At times it is so easy, but then others I can't get it to do the simplest things.

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