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Rails 4.2 development server can't be reached Ubuntu 14.04

I've installed Rails 4.2 on a Ubuntu 14.04 VM to act as a development environment. When I start the rails server with rails s the server says it starts and is listening for connections on http://localhost:3000

If I try to access <IP>:3000 , no page is displayed and nothing hits the logs of the rails server. If I execute curl localhost:3000 from within the machine, I get the html of my home page.

If I execute rails s -b , I can access the server by its IP address.

On my MacBook Pro, running rails s (listening to localhost ) allows me to access the rails app via localhost:3000 or <IP>:3000 .

  • Ubuntu 14.04.1
  • Rails 4.2


Rails 4.2 release notes say, that now default host for rails server is localhost.

So if you want to access app from another machine, use

rails server -b

Probably your Macbook Pro uses older Rails version, with old behavior

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