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Android menu icon from a shape drawable

Does anyone know if its possible to use an XML ShapeDrawable (or any other XML drawable which is not an image) as a menu item icon? Is this not possible? and if it is, how does one go about achieving this?



There are two ways of doing that. You can change icon programmatically


or you can fix an icon in your menu.xml file


pskink said it in the comments (but it's easier to find as an answer). Give the drawable a <size> tag.

This is actually a little weird to me. Often, the size is used only to get the aspect ratio of a <shape> , so one might assume that setting size with android:height="1" and android:width="1" would suffice. Not so in this case - the drawable will appear with a size of 1x1 dp (probably not at all).

Interestingly, if you set the size to be much larger than the menu item, it is scaled down appropriately. So you can set the android:height and android:width to be something outrageous like 800dp and not worry.

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