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Ember - Get Value From Ember Data Array

I am trying to loop over some objects in Ember in a controller, and return an array of their name attributes. I am however confused with what Ember is returning from the findAll function.

In a controller, I have the following function -

possibleGenres: function() {
    var genres = this.store.findAll('genre');
    var genreNames = genres.map(function(item, index, enumerable){
        return item.get('name');
    return genreNames;

Logging genres.get('length') gives me 0.

I have proven that there are genres available in the findAll function, as when returning the returned genres from just the findAll function, they are displayed in the template.

Am I misunderstanding something crucial about Ember controllers here?

As ever, any help is much appreciated.

As others have stated, the problem is that findAll returns a promise, so you will have to use .then() to wait until the promise is resolved before the data is available to work with.

I think a cleaner way to approach this would be to set genres as a property and then have genreNames as a computed property that observes the genres array. Note, that Ember automatically unwraps promises when computed properties return them, so you don't have to use .then() in this situation:

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  genreNames: Ember.computed.mapBy('genre', 'name'),

  genres: function() {
    return this.store.findAll('genre');


this.store.all("genre") works better for you.

findAll will return a Promise, not the records you want. if you try

    var genreNames = result.map(function(item, index, enumerable){
    return item.get('name');

you will have your results.

the problem is, that it's asynchronous. genreNames will be undefined, while you return it. You could start a workaround with an observer, to solve this problem.


possibleGenres: [],
possibleGenresDidChange: function(){
possibleGenresTrigger: false,

to update the property, switch the TriggerState between true and false. But it's a bit ugly. I do it some times the same way, because I found no better solution handling asynchronous requests in Controllers.

But, like written in the first line, perhaps store.all() works fine for you.

Since findAll was returning a promise, as pointed out by lukkysam, the correct solution would be to use then on the returned value like so.

possibleGenres: function() {
    var genreNames = [];
    return genreNames;

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