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Not able to get HTML content in PHP via jQuery ajax request

I am using Summernote text editor. I am collecting HTML in following way:

var luck = $(".textEditor").code();

my content as of now is as follows :

<img src="" style="width: 640px;"><p>Tell your travel story...</p>

I am making following ajax request to send it to PHP

                 dataType : 'json',
                    async : true,
                    cache : false,
                    beforeSend : function(xhr) {
                        xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                 data: {
                     'luck' : luck
                 type: "POST",
                 url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>index.php/travelogue/postBlog",
                 cache: false,
                 success: function(data, status, xhr) {
                 error:function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                     alert(xhr); alert(xhr.status); alert(textStatus);  alert(errorThrown); alert(xhr.statusText); alert(xhr.responseText);                 }

on PHP side I am getting data in following way (for example sake I am just puting data in txt file(

$myfile = fopen("newfile.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
        fwrite($myfile, $_POST["luck"]);

But I get following content. From IMG tag STYLE tag is missing.

<p><br></p><img src=""  640px;"><p>Tell your travel story...</p>

I am not sure how to retrieve data properly? Is there problem with ajax request or may be i am not getting data in PHP in correct way?

Any suggestions would be helpfull....


Take a look at file_get_contents(php://input) . Chances are you'll need to uri encode the html string before sending it, to access it in the post array.

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