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How to handle spaces in file path

I am having trouble with the following script. It seems to freakout with the spaces in the file path that I am checking for. Any ideas on how to not have the PoweShell freak out, with the Program Files (x86) ?

GC C:\server.txt | %{

    $server = $_
    if (Test-Path \\$server\c$\Program Files (x86)\some_dir\test.txt){
            New-Object PSOBject -Property @{
            Server = $server
            Status = "Yes"
        }else {
        New-Object PSOBject -Property @{
        Server = $server
        Status = "No"
}| Export-Csv C:\temp\report.csv -nti

If your file path contains whitespace, you will need to use a string literal:

if (Test-Path "\\$server\c$\Program Files (x86)\some_dir\test.txt"){

Make sure you use double quotes though so that variables are properly expanded.

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