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How to get the device token

After the installation has been made I need to get the deviceToken for other purposes. This is what I developed so far:

Parse.initialize(this, "qqd423WEfwWEF32FewferT434fs323rfRT", "g7Rre4g7gsGRwgGw458Hdf443gFHk534Mrtg34");
    final ParseInstallation currentInstallation = ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation();

    currentInstallation.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
        public void done(ParseException e) {
            if (e == null) {
                deviceToken = currentInstallation.get("deviceToken").toString();
            } else {
                System.out.println("not ok");

The problem is that if I execute the code the app crashes and this is the error generated:

02-02 09:44:17.151    ﹕ FATAL EXCEPTION: main, PID: 5855 java.lang.NullPointerException

and the piece of code that generates this is this piece:

deviceToken = currentInstallation.get("deviceToken").toString();

is there anybody who can help me? I simply need to get the deviceToken after the installation is made.

代码没有问题,我猜您正在模拟器中测试此代码,而在模拟器中它不会有任何deviceToken ,请在真实设备中尝试您的代码。

Might be Late but also might be helpfull :)

Parse sometimes has some delays to when the done() method is called, I've seen it being called after I played around with the application for 3 minutes and exit it.

I used a different order for the method calls:

Parse.initialize(this, "*******", "*******");

    ParsePush.subscribeInBackground("", new SaveCallback()
        public void done(ParseException e)
            if (null == e)
                ParseInstallation install = ParseInstallation.getCurrentInstallation();
                String token = install.getString("deviceToken");
                if (token != null)
                    //saved it locally and other stuff
                   //saved a temporary default value locally

Hope this Helps in some way.

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