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Multiple plupload upload buttons with one plupload call

I have a plupload call:

$("#cni, #kbis, #rcpro").pluploadQueue({
runtimes: "html5, flash",
url: "ajax.php?action=x",
max_file_size: "2mb",
chunk_size: "1mb",
multiple_queues: true,
multi_selection: false,
multipart_params: {"u_id": "<?php echo $si_r['u_id']; ?>"},
//filters: [{title : "Files", extensions : ""}],
flash_swf_url: "js/plupload.flash.swf",


BeforeUpload: function(up, file){



it calls this html:

<div justif="cni" id="cni"></div>
<div justif="kbis" id="kbis"></div>
<div justif="rcpro" id="rcpro"></div>

what i am trying is each time i click each plupload button to call a specific variable in this case the id attribute:

BeforeUpload: function(up, file){

but it does not work, anyone has an idea how to do this ?

I set a cookie on client side:

 $("#cni, #kbis, #rcpro").click(function(){
 $.cookie("justif", $(this).attr("id"));

then collect it on server side.

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