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Ruby on Rails - How would I add a image uploader to the simple_form Gem

I'm creating a basic house listing page to get to grips with Rails and I'm trying to work out how I would add a image file uploader to a simple_form gem on Ruby on Rails.

Currently, I have a basic form which asks for a title, price and description, whilst I was creating the form I added an input field for image but instead of an input field, I would like to allow a user to add an image file which would be added to the listing with house.image

My code is as follows:

index.html.erb -

<p><%= link_to "Add a House", new_house_path %></p>

<% @houses.each do |house| %>

  <div class="house">
    <p><%= house.image %></p>
    <h2><%= house.title %></h2>
    <h2><%= house.price %></h2>
    <p><%= house.description %></p>
<% end %>

<p><%= paginate @houses %></p>

house.rb -

class House < ActiveRecord::Base
    validates :title, presence: true
    validates :price, presence: true
    validates :description, presence: true
    validates :image, presence: true

houses_controller.rb -

class HousesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @houses = House.page(params[:page]).per(20).order(created_at: :desc)

  def new
    @house = House.new

  def create
    @house = House.new(params.require(:house).permit(:title, :price, :description, :image))
  if @house.save
    redirect_to root_path
    render "new"


new.html.erb -

<%= simple_form_for @house do |form| %>
 <%= form.input :title, label: "House title" %>
 <%= form.input :price, label: "House price" %>
 <%= form.input :description, label: "Describe your house" %>
 <%= form.input :image, label: "Image of house" %>
 <%= form.button :submit %>
<% end %>

You should be able to change:

<%= form.input :image, label: "Image of house" %>


<%= form.input :image, as: :file, label: "Image of house" %>

This will create a standard HTML file input field which allows your users to select local files for upload. There are information about this and other field types available Simple Form input field types .

Additionally, you will want to consider a gem such as Paperclip or Carrierwave to handle receiving files on the server (in the model).

And if you really want a custom input type in simple_form, you can read about how to implement that in the simple_form github repo under "Custom Inputs" -- this would NOT be necessary for uploading an image. It would be syntactic sugar for your code.

For image upload you can use paperclip

1 : https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip or dragonfly

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