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How do I get Bower to install a file to a specified path and name?

I have the following bower.json:

  "name": "myname",
  "dependencies": {
    "stripe": "https://js.stripe.com/v2/"

This grabs the javascript at the associated url and creates the following file:


Note that the file is not index.js , but simply index . This is problematic, as my Brocfile refuses to use the index file, insisting that it has to be index.js . If I manually change the name to index.js , then the application works fine. Obviously, this isn't a satisfactory solution.

So is there a way to get bower to install the file as index.js rather than index ?

If you need to set a different folder for bower you can create a .bowerrc file with the following:

    "directory": "public/bower"

I'm not exactly sure of your environment, but for example if you have node.js you can create a gulp.js setup which would do the rename before whatever other processes you need to run.

quasi example gulpfile.js

var gulp = require('gulp');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');

gulp.task('prep', function () {
  gulp.src('public/bower/stripe/index', {
      base: 'public/bower/stripe'

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