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PhantomJS failed to load your page. Use --force to continue

I am trying to run test with grunt-contrib-jasmine trough command line "grunt jasmine", but its fails giving the warning : "PhantomJS failed to load your page. Use --force to continue."...


    it('Provides the global *** object',function(){

gruntfile.js including this:

jasmine : {
    src : ['apps/<%=target%>/js/**/*.js'],
        options : {
            host : '', 
            specs : 'tests/<%=target%>/**/*spec.js',

Can't understand what is wrong...

Please help, Thanks in advance...

In gruntfile.js make your src: 'apps/<%=target%>/js/**/FileName', (remove the .js after filename)

Add this before jasmine: grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

connect: { test : { port : 8000, base: 'test' }


set a default task so it can perform connection and then execute: grunt.registerTask('default', ['connect','jasmine']);

if it yet fails then try doing grunt jasmine --force to know where its failing

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