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javascript redirection only on second try

I wrote a little "webpage" to start streams on my xbmc with jsonrpc. Now the problem I am facing is that i always have to send the form request twice to make it work. could it be that I am using the window.open function wrong? or am I missing something?

<script type="text/javascript">
function postFunction() { // inside script tags
var vForm = document.getElementById("frmGui");
var vStrServer = "";
var vStrFile = "";
var vStrPost = "http://";

vStrServer = vForm.idServer.value;
vStrFile = vForm.idFile.value;
vStrPost += vStrServer+"/jsonrpc?request={\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\", ";
vStrPost += "\"id\":0, \"method\": \"Player.Open\", \"params\":{\"item\""
vStrPost += ":{\"file\":\""+vStrFile+"\"}}}";
<form id="frmGui" name="gui" action="#" onSubmit="postFunction(this)" methode="POST">
<td><input id="idServer" name="server" type="text" value="IP_ADRESS"/></td>
<td><input id="idFile" name="file" type="text"/></td>
<td><input type="submit"/></td>

Why you passed argument whene you call postFunction() ? it has not argument upon decliration right way is

<form id="frmGui" name="gui" action="#" onSubmit="postFunction()" methode="POST">

remove this inside postFunction brace

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