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ReferenceError: result is not defined (Angularjs)

I'm new to angular, and i'm stuck with this issue, not sure why is this happening any thoughts would be helpful.

This is my service defined :

    window.app.factory 'fetchService', ['$http', '$q', '$location', ($http, $q, $location) ->
      estimate: (newEstimate) ->
        def = $q.defer()

        $http.post('/v2/delivery_estimates', newEstimate).
        then (result) ->
        def.resolve result.data
        , (result) ->
        def.reject result.data

Here window.app is mapped to angular.module('appName',[...])

This is my controller :

    window.app.controller 'deliveryCtrl', [  'fetchService', (fetchService) ->

    $scope.setDefaults = ->
    {.... few code ....}
                         .then (result) ->
                           $scope.dWindows = result.delivery_windows
                           $scope.uWindows = result.unavailable_windows


Your coffeescript seems odd. This:

then (result) ->
def.resolve result.data

should be:

then (result) ->
    def.resolve result.data

Same thing for the second function

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