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D3.js - Rotate svg text around a point

How can I rotate text with rectangle inside a Donut chart, I've tried by passing text selector in d3.timer but this changes text current state.

text will be always inside rectangle.

 var start = Date.now()
 d3.timer(function() {
   var angle = (Date.now() - start) * .3,
     rotate = function(d,i) {
        return "rotate(" + angle / 80 + ")";
   wheel.selectAll("rect").attr("transform", rotate);

Here is fiddle

Apply the rotation to the <g> group which contains the text and rect. Note that you will have add the rotate transformation to the existing transformation matrix.

d3.timer(function() {       
      var newTransform = this.getCTM().rotate(2), //Try with adding a fixed angle of rotation
      svgMatrix =  this.ownerSVGElement.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(newTransform);

Here is the updated jsFiddle . Hope this helps.

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