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RAP ontology centric model from owl file

For the past few days I'm struggling with the RAP API library. Basically I've created an custom ontology which I want to use with this library, as they state it supports to work with ontologies.

But the load() method from the library generates some weird OntModel .

This is the code where I try to load my ontology:

 $client = ModelFactory::getOntModel (MEMMODEL,OWL_VOCABULARY);

 $querystring = '
 SELECT ?model
 WHERE ( ?Brand, <http://www.owl-ontologies.com/proj.owl#hasModel>, ?model )';

 $result = $client->rdqlQuery($querystring);

Can someone help me ? On the RAP API library documentation they have an example describing only how to create an ontology, not how to read one from an file(or external URI).

Thanks in advance.

Later Edit

Here is the OntModel which was loaded: OntModel

在Protege中打开Ontology并将其保存为“RDF / XML”,而不是像我最初那样将其保存为“OWL / XML”。

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