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How to specify a jetty.xml config file for xsbt-web-plugin

I have a project that uses the xsbt-web-plugin but I want to be able to customise the jetty settings. Is there a way I can specify my own jetty.xml file? I found the


setting and set that to the desired file but it had no effect

You can specify a jetty.xml config file using the config argument to jetty() :

jetty(config = "etc/jetty.xml")

If you need to specify multiple config files, you can pass them as individual --config arguments:

jetty(args = Seq
    "--config", "jetty.xml"
  , "--config", "jetty-https.xml"
  , "--config", "jetty-ssl.xml"

Check out the docs for more info.

I use xsbt-web-plugin 2.0.2(the latest version) at present.You can do in build.sbt as following:

containerConfigFile in Compile := Some(file("./src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml"))

I hope it can be helpful for you.

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