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Mongoose not connecting on Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04

I've got a node app built on Hapi using MongoDB and mongoose. Locally, I can use the app without issue. I can connect to the db, add data, find it, etc.

I've created an Ubuntu 14.04 x64 droplet on Digital Ocean.

I can ssh into my droplet and verify that my db is there with the correct name. I'm using dokku-alt to deploy and I have linked the db name to the app using dokku's mongodb:link appName mydb

I was having issues once I deployed the app where it would hang and eventually timeout. After a lot of debugging and commenting out code I found that any time I try to hit mongo like this the app will hang:

var User = request.server.plugins.db.User;
  .findOne({ id: request.auth.credentials.profile.raw.id })
  .exec(function(err, user){
    // do something

Without this, the app loads fine, albeit without data. So my thought is that mongoose is never properly connecting.

I'm using grunt-shell-spawn to run a script which checks if mongo is already running, if not it starts it up. I'm not 100% certain that this is needed on the droplet, but I was having issues locally where mongo was already running... script:


if pgrep mongod; then
  echo running;
  mongod --quiet --dbpath db/;

exit 0;


shell: {
  make_dir: {
    command: 'mkdir -p db'
  mongodb: {
    command: './startMongoIfNotRunning.sh',
    options: {
      stdin: false,

And here's how I'm defining the database location:


  { register: require('./app/db'), options: { url: process.env.MONGODB_URL || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb' } },


var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var _ = require('lodash-node');
var models = require('require-all')(__dirname + '/models');

exports.register = function(plugin, options, next) {

  mongoose.connect(options.url, function() {

  var db = mongoose.connection;

  plugin.expose('connection', db);
  _.forIn(models, function(value, key) {
    plugin.expose(key, value);


exports.register.attributes = {
  name: 'db'

My app is looking for db files in db/ . Could it be that dokku's mongodb:link appName mydb linked it to the wrong location? Perhaps process.env.MONGODB_URL is not being set correctly? I really don't know where to go from here.

It turns out the solution to my problem was adding an entry to the hosts file of my droplet to point to the mongo db url: mongodb.myurl.com

For some reason, linking the db to my app with Dokku didn't add this bit. I would have thought that it was automatic. The app container's host file did get a mongodb entry when i linked the db to the app.

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