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Select by xpath knowing only ending of element's attribute

Having such xml file. How can I select only that tag, which href attribute ends with parent , like third element below.

Determine it by position like elem = tree.findall('{*}CustomProperty')[2] does not fit because some documents might have only one parent href, others 5-10 and third might not have such hrefs at all.

I tend to use xpath but can not figure out how can I tell xpath to search for end of attribute match.

Also xpath is not must, I will be glad to use any way that fits to my purpose

So how can I get CustomProperty element which has a href attribute that ends with word parent ?

 <CustomProperty href="urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566">urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566:ss</CustomProperty>
 <CustomProperty href="urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566">urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566:ss</CustomProperty>
 <CustomProperty href="urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566:parent">urn:1653267:643562dafewq:cs:46wey5ge:234566:ss</CustomProperty>

Thank you in advance for help


//CustomProperty[contains(@href, 'parent') and substring-after(@href, 'parent') = '']

cater to your requirements? One issue with the suggestion is that it fails for href attributes where parent occurs more than once.

If your xpath processor supports xpath 2.0, use aberna's suggestion.

Remember to replace the '//' axis by specific paths whereever possible for performance reasons.

Try using the contains selector to find the element with an attribute href which contains the word parent

//*[contains(@href, 'parent')]

or if you are sure about the position of text "parent" you can use the ends-with

//*[ends-with(@href, 'parent')]

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