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Test title with rspec in rails

Starting up with this:

it "doit avoir le bon titre" do
  get 'home'
  response.should have_selector("title", :content => "Simple App du Tutoriel Ruby on Rails | Accueil")

I ended up with that because I'm not on the same version of rspec or rails than the tutorial I'm following:

it "doit avoir le bon titre" do
    get 'home'
    expect(response).to have_selector("title", :text => "Simple App du Tutoriel Ruby on Rails | Accueil")

And now it's telling me this

Failure/Error: expect(response).to have_selector("title", :text => "Simple App du Tutoriel Ruby on Rails | Accueil")
       expected to find css "title" with text "Simple App du Tutoriel Ruby on Rails | Accueil" but there were no matches

Why is it talking about CSS when all I want to do is validate the title? Am I doing it right considering I wanna do what the first sample of code is doing?

Obviously not because I have an error but what am I doing wrong?


The right syntax was:

it "doit avoir le bon titre" do
  get :home
  expect(response.body).to have_title('Simple App du Tutoriel Ruby on Rails | Accueil')

Partly solved thanks to Siekfried and his link: How can I test the page title with Capybara 2.0?

Have you tryed :

    it "doit avoir le bon titre" do
      get :home
      expect(response.body).to include('<title>My Title</title>')


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