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Inheritance in jinja2 templates

I've question about inheritance in jinja2.

Here is my layout.html looks like:

<div id='header'>Some header stuff</div>
<div id='left-panel'>{% block lpanel %}</div>
<div id='content'>{% block content %}</div>
<div id='right-panel'>{% block rpanel %}</div>
<div id='footer'>Some footer stuff</div>

3 divs (left and right panels and content) are dynamical and should be filled with some functions.

Now the question: what should i do, to achieve my goal in proper way?

Should I create some child templates here? Or maybe my functions, which create content for those 3 divs should return HTML and I should pass it's result as parameters to layout template? (not the most elegant solution...) Any other way?

EDIT: thanks for your answers, but unfortunatelly i still have some doubts... i don't know what's the proper way to connect those templates with my flask/python code...

If i had just a layout.html and one child template, which extends the layout, then it's really simple: in python i write a function and end it with something like 'return render_template('child.html', my_varables....)

but here i need 3 functions: one for rendering content of main 'content' div and additional 2 funtions for creating left and right panel. how can i join all 3 of them to get my output page?

Note that you should close {% block %} tags by adding a {% endblock %} tag.
So it should be like:

<div id='left-panel'>{% block lpanel %}{% endblock %}</div>

There are includes and there are child templates .


You've got a template named layout.html .
If you'd like to split your lpanel , content and rpanel blocks, you can create a separate template for it, and then include it:

<div id='left-panel'>{% include 'lpanel.html' %}</div>

In the lpanel.html do whatever you want to place in that left-panel div.

Child templates

You could also create a base template (let's say your left panel and right panel are always the same). You want to change just the content .

You can create a base template (for example, layout.html ).

<div id='header'>Some header stuff</div>
<div id='left-panel'>Some stuff</div>
<div id='content'>{% block content %}{% endblock %}</div>
<div id='right-panel'>More stuff</div>
<div id='footer'>Some footer stuff</div>

Let's say you want two pages on your site - "About me" and "News".

You create two templates: about.html and news.html , and extend them with the base template.


{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}Hey! I'm mkay and I'm learning about Jinja2!{% endblock %}


{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}2015-02-13: I joined StackOverflow.{% endblock %}

You don't have to put anything else in these child templates - they'll just overwrite whatever you have placed in it (in this example, we overwrote just the content block).

In my view, what you are trying to achieve can be accomplished by using your current html as a parent and separate child html pages for your left-panel , right-panel and content .

You can use the below as an outline to create your child pages : (This specific eg. is for block content . You can replace content with left-panel or right-panel )

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% block content/l %}
<!--what ever html you want fill-->
{% endblock %}

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