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Steam: Convert SteamID64 to SteamID using PHP

有人将如何使用PHP / javascript将steamid64(例如:76561198074259974)转换为Steamid(STEAM_0:0:56997123)(我想在加载屏幕上显示Steamid,但不显示Steamid64)

Have a look at the code here for converting steamID to steamID64: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=60899?t=60899

You can reverse it for converting steamID64 to steamID, for this the formula would be: (steamID64 - (76561197960265728 + (steamID64 % 2)))/2

This would give you the numbers after the second colon (:). If steamID64 is odd (steamID64 % 2) the number after the first colon would be 1 otherwise a 0.

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