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django queryset filter with datetime and date

I have a queryste:

winner_check = Winner.objects.filter(win_date=date.today())

where win_date is datetime and date.today() gives only date... Is there anyway that I can convert win_date to only date and filter this queryset.

I want to filter all the winners which have same date.

Thanks in advance.

You can't. But you can create range from 2 datetimes and filter your queryset by it. Also you can separately filter by win_date__year , win_date__month and win_date__day .

You can filter using __year , __month and __day :

today = date.today()


The most efficient way is to use the __range lookup between two datetimes or the combination of __gte / __lt lookups for today/tomorrow dates:

import datetime

today = datetime.date.today()
tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
winner_check = Winner.objects.filter(win_date__gte=today,

This will lead to filtering the win_date from TODAY 0:00:00 to TODAY 23:59:59

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