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how to remove div from clone(jQuery - remove element's parent row)

I have add clone (more than 3) and remove clone button. when i try to clone

        <div class="data-add">
        <div class="form-group" id="id1">
            <label class="col-lg-2 control-label"> Image* : </label>
            <div class="col-lg-10">
<input id="input-702" name="userfile[]" type="file"class="file-loading">

    <div class="form-group clearfix" id="id2">
    <label class="col-lg-2 control-label">option* :
    <div class="col-lg-10">
    <select name="option[]" autocomplete="off">

  <button class="add"  type="button">Add Another </button>

   <button class="remove" id="remove">   remove  </button>  


It clone particular div happening proper. when i click remove its not working (not able to remove)


i have tried this also



when i used like this it removing first clone(first id1 and id2). not removing current clone div

Change ID first of all, like below.

var newId = 10; // Sample ID To Append
var startID = ["id1_", id2_];
     var oldId = newId;
     startID[0].replace(oldId, newId);
     startID[1].replace(oldId, newId);
     var newId++;
     $("#id1").clone().attr('id', startID[0]).addClass("clonedDiv").appendTo(".data-add");
     $("#id2").clone().attr('id', startID[1]).addClass("clonedDiv").appendTo(".data-add");

Then use the new ID or the common class .clonedDiv to remove them.

Elements having #id1 and #id2 are being added in the DOM dynamically, so you should use .on() function to bind your events eg

$(document).on('click', '.remove', function(){

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