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Define Range by Header VBA

I have a range definition in VBA that looks like this:

Sheet5.Range(Range("K2"), Sheet5.Range("K2").End(xlDown))

This works but if the layout of my report ever changes, it will not work. I was wondering if it was possible to define the range based on the header in the first row of the column? Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!

The below example searches for the header based on the name. In the example, it colors the entire column Red based on match, but you can change that. The variables should be easy to follow, but please let me know of questions.

Sub Color_Range_Based_On_Header()
    Dim rngHeaders As Range
    Dim rngHdrFound As Range

    Const ROW_HEADERS As Integer = 1
    Const HEADER_NAME As String = "Location"

    Set rngHeaders = Intersect(Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange, Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(ROW_HEADERS))
    Set rngHdrFound = rngHeaders.Find(HEADER_NAME)

    If rngHdrFound Is Nothing Then
        'Do whatever you want if the header is missing
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Range(rngHdrFound, rngHdrFound.End(xlDown)).Interior.Color = vbRed

End Sub

You can name a range with any kind of name you would like. In the upper left hand corner you can see the id of the selected range. If you type a name in there like "Header_Cell" you can change your code to:

Sheet5.Range(Range("Header_Cell"), Sheet5.Range("Header_Cell").End(xlDown))

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