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How to filter Table row with multiple condition .ie on checkbox selection show respected row. each checkbox represent Column and row value

I have a table with some dynamic data, and columns as Name,Location, Salary. Problem i am facing in Step 2 ie multiple condition check. Heres the step by step code.

JS Fiddle Demo

Step 1-

Auto generate Filters ie dynamically add Checkboxes, depend on table row values


Above function generate dynamic checkboxes, logic is it loop over table, read values row by row and return unique value array and generate checkbox respectively, currently am doing for 2 cols having class loc,sal.

Step 2-

Checkbox change event, depend on status (checked/unchekced) table rows will be hide/show .

The problem i am facing is, if user checked 100 ( class as sal) , and Kerala ( class as loc) is unchecked then row having kerala should be hide.

For hide and show am adding/removing class .hideRow

// On any checkbox clicked returns   desired out
$("body").on('change', '.chk', function () {
    var arrObj = [],
        arrCheckedValueCLass = [];
    var objCheckedData = {};
    $("#filterDiv .chk").each(function (index, val) {
        var sf = $(this);
        if (sf.is(":checked")) {
            var sf = $(this);
                dataValue: $(sf).attr('data-value'),
                dataClass: $(sf).attr('data-class')

    var self = $(this);
    var getClassName = self.attr("data-class");
    var matchTextValue = $.trim(self.attr("data-value"));
    if (self.is(":checked")) {
        if (matchTextValue == "All") {
            $(".chk").prop('checked', true);
        $("." + getClassName).each(function () {
            var innerSelf = $(this);
            var gVal = $.trim(innerSelf.html());
            if (matchTextValue == "All") {
            } else {
                if (matchTextValue === gVal) {
                    console.log("checked and matchTextValue");
                    var i = 0,
                        lg = arrObj.length;
                    var flagSet = false;
                    for (i; i < lg; ++i) {
                        var objValue = arrObj[i].dataValue;
                        var objClass = arrObj[i].dataClass;
                        if (getClassName != objClass) {
                            var prevDataCheck = $.trim(innerSelf.closest("tr").find("." + objClass).html());
                            if (prevDataCheck == objValue) {
                                flagSet = true;
                                return true;
                    if (!flagSet) {
                        innerSelf.closest("tr").addClass(getClassName + "_X");
    } else {

        if (matchTextValue == "All") {
            $(".chk").prop('checked', false);

        $("." + getClassName).each(function () {
            var innerSelf = $(this);
            var gVal = $.trim(innerSelf.html());
            if (matchTextValue === gVal) {
                innerSelf.closest("tr").removeClass(getClassName + "_X");

<div id="filterDiv"></div>
<div id="tableContainer">
    <table id="myTable">
                <th data-name='name'>Name</th>
                <th data-loc='Location'>Location</th>
                <th data-sal='salary'>Salary</th>
                <th data-sts='Active'>Active</th>
                <td class="name">James</td>
                <td class="loc">Mumbai</td>
                <td class="sal">500</td>
                <td class="sts">Yes</td>
                <td class="name">Joseph</td>
                <td class="loc">Kerala</td>
                <td class="sal">100</td>
                <td class="sts">No</td>
                <td class="name">Jack</td>
                <td class="loc">Delhi</td>
                <td class="sal">500</td>
                <td class="sts">Yes</td>
                <td class="name">Andrea</td>
                <td class="loc">Mumbai</td>
                <td class="sal">1000</td>
                <td class="sts">No</td>
                <td class="name">David</td>
                <td class="loc">Delhi</td>
                <td class="sal">100</td>
                <td class="sts">No</td>
                <td class="name">David</td>
                <td class="loc">Delhi</td>
                <td class="sal">99900</td>
                <td class="sts">No</td>

I have created the fiddle from the things that you noted and able to produce the result( that is, if user checked 100 ( class as sal), and Kerala ( class as loc) is unchecked then row having kerala should be hide.)

I do not how efficient the solution is.There may be more efficient way to acheive that but anyway below is the js code.

$(document).ready(function () {

        // This function generate checkbox from table data, which will be used for filteration   

        function autoFilterItem(idOfHolderDiv) {
            $("#" + idOfHolderDiv).empty();
            var arr1 = [];
            $(".sal").each(function () {
            var arrNew = unique(arr1).sort(function (a, b) {
                return a - b
            $.each(arrNew, function (i, val) {
                $("<input/>", {
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "class": "chk",
                    "data-class": "sal",
                    "data-value": val,
                    "id": "chk" + val,
                    "checked": "checked"
                }).appendTo("#" + idOfHolderDiv).wrap("<div></div>").after(val);

            $("#" + idOfHolderDiv).append("<hr>");
            var arr2 = [];
            $(".loc").each(function () {
            var arr2New = unique(arr2).sort();

            $.each(arr2New, function (i, val) {
                $("<input/>", {
                    "type": "checkbox",
                    "class": "chk",
                    "data-class": "loc",
                    "data-value": val,
                    "id": "chk" + val,
                    "checked": "checked"
                }).appendTo("#" + idOfHolderDiv).wrap("<div></div>").after(val);
            $("#" + idOfHolderDiv).append("<hr>");
            function unique(array) {
                return $.grep(array, function (el, index) {
                    return index == $.inArray(el, array);
        // STEP ONE ENDS

        ///STEP TWO 
        // On any checkbox clicked returns   desired out

        var selectedSalaryArr = [];
        var selectedLocationArr = [];

        $("body").on('change', '.chk', function () {
            var selectedVal = $(this).attr('data-value');
            $('#filterDiv div').each(function () {
                var checkedval = $(this).find('input.chk').attr('data-value');
                var isChecked = $(this).find('input.chk').is(':checked');
                var dataClass = $(this).find('input.chk').attr('data-class');
                if (selectedVal === checkedval) {
                    if (dataClass === 'sal') {
                        var isExists = $.inArray(checkedval, selectedSalaryArr);
                        if (isExists === -1) {
                        } else {
                            selectedSalaryArr.splice($.inArray(checkedval, selectedSalaryArr), 1);
                    } else {
                        var isExists = $.inArray(checkedval, selectedLocationArr);
                        if (isExists === -1) {
                        } else {
                            selectedLocationArr.splice($.inArray(checkedval, selectedLocationArr), 1);

            $('#myTable tbody tr').each(function () {
                var currentSalary = $(this).find('.sal').text();
                var currentLocation = $(this).find('.loc').text();

                var matchedSalaryValueExists = $.inArray(currentSalary, selectedSalaryArr);
                var matchedLocationValueExists = $.inArray(currentLocation, selectedLocationArr);

                if (selectedSalaryArr.length > 0 && selectedLocationArr.length > 0) {
                    if (matchedSalaryValueExists !== -1 && matchedLocationValueExists !== -1) {
                        if (!($(this).hasClass('hiderow'))) {
                    } else {
                        if ($(this).hasClass('hiderow')) {
                else {
                    if (matchedSalaryValueExists !== -1 || matchedLocationValueExists !== -1) {
                        if (!($(this).hasClass('hiderow'))) {
                    } else {
                        if ($(this).hasClass('hiderow')) {
            $('#myTable tbody tr.hiderow').hide();

Below is the jsfiddle link:


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