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AngularJS - Bind click event to children of directive element

I'm back to using AngularJS and I've forgotten everything. I have an div in my html view that contains a custom directive and the children DIVs have a ng-repeat directive, this is my HTML:

<div class="row" data-custom-directive>
<div class="col-xs-2 main-nav-cell" data-ng-repeat="nav in mainNavigation.topNavi" data-url="{{ nav.link }}">
    <div> {{ nav.name }} </div>
    <div class="item-counter" data-ng-show="nav.value > 0"> {{ nav.value }} </div>

Now in my custom directive I wait for the ng-repeat to complete then I loop through the children DIVs and perform certain tasks (some I have omitted here).

.directive('customDirective', function ($location, $timeout, $rootScope) {
    'use strict';
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function (scope, element) {

            $timeout(function () {

                var i,
                    list = angular.element(element),
                    cssCheck = function () {

                        for (i = 0; i < list[0].children.length; i++) {


                            Here I wish to set a click event on the Child DIV 
                            I have tried list.children()[i].click = fn & list.children()[i].bind('click' fn)
                            but nothing works!

                            // if the class is there remove it...
                            if (list.children()[i].classList.contains('is-active')) {

                            // if there is a match add the class...
                            if ($location.url().indexOf(list[0].children[i].getAttribute('data-url')) > 0) {



                $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function () {

                // original kickoff

I want to assign a click event to the first child div (where I check the CSS) and perform certain tasks depending on the 'data-url' I don't really want to add a ng-click directive to the child in my HTML. Can someone please advise me on how to add a click event to the child div?

Many thanks

If Using jQuery:

link: function (scope, element) {
    $timeout(function () {
        element.on('click', ':first', function () {
            console.log('inside event handler of the first child)

If not using jQuery

link: function (scope, element) {
    $timeout(function () {
        angular.element(element).on('click', function (evt) {
            var isFirstChild = (evt.target.parentElement.children[0] === evt.target);

            if (isFirstChild) {
                // do the stuff

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