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nodejs passport ldapauth “Cannot read 'on' property of undefined”

I'm trying to authenticate to an LDAP server using passport-ldapauth and express.

The authentication using an ldap url (ldap://myserver...) works OK, but with ldaps I get:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined
    at setupSocket (...\ldapauth-fork\node_modules\ldapjs\lib\client\client.js:111:14)
    at Client._connect (...\ldapauth-fork\node_modules\ldapjs\lib\client\client.js:742:3)
    at new Client (...\ldapauth-fork\node_modules\ldapjs\lib\client\client.js:247:22)
    at Object.createClient (...\ldapauth-fork\node_modules\ldapjs\lib\client\index.js:60:12)
    at new LdapAuth (...\ldapauth-fork\lib\ldapauth.js:129:28)
    at handleAuthentication (...\passport-ldapauth\lib\passport-ldapauth\strategy.js:140:10)
    at Strategy.authenticate (...\passport-ldapauth\lib\passport-ldapauth\strategy.js:175:33)
    at attempt (...\passport\lib\middleware\authenticate.js:341:16)
    at authenticate (...\passport\lib\middleware\authenticate.js:342:7)
    at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (...\express\lib\router\layer.js:82:5)

My code is, basically, this:

  passport.use(new LdapStrategy({
  server: {
    url: 'ldaps://myserver:636',
    searchBase: '...',
    searchFilter: '(uid={{username}})',
    tlsOptions: {
        ca: [
    session: false,
 function(user,  done) {
   console.log("Interna: \nOK");
   return done(null, user);

                 { session:false,                                        
                   failureRedirect: '/accessfail' 

app.use('/accessed',function (req,res,next){
     res.send("User OK");

app.use('/accessfail',function (req,res,next){
       res.send("User MAL !!!!!!!");


My library versions are:

express@4.11.2, passport@0.2.1,passport-ldapauth@0.3.0

Someone can help me?


Finally, I could solve the issue.

The ldapjs version used in ldapauth-fork, can't work with an ldaps url.

The solution was:

  1. Delete the ldapjs from ldapauth-fork using in the node_modules directory under ldapauth-fork (under other node_modules directory under passport-ldap in the node_modules for my user !!!!!!) the following command:

    npm rm ldapjs

  2. Install the new version from github using:

    npm install git://github.com/mcavage/node-ldapjs.git


This happens only with Node 0.12 and io.js when using SSL, see the ldapjs issue . You can add dependency to the unreleased version in your projects package.json :

  "dependencies": {
    "ldapjs": "mcavage/node-ldapjs",
    "ldapauth-fork": "2.3.1"

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